Shopping for a trip can be so much fun! However; with so many items on the market today, how do you know what item(s) to buy and which not to buy? Hopefully the following pages will help you prepare and shop better for your upcoming trip
Happy Shopping! xoxo Sean & Megan
Meet The Purdys!

Let us introduce ourselves!!… We are the Purdys – Sean and Megan Purdy! We have been together for over 12 years! We both work in corporate America and have decided to spend our free-time traveling and exploring this great, big, Purdy world! Whether we cruise to the Caribbean, fly to a tropical island, or explore destinations in the United States; we always try to have another trip on the horizon and are excited to share these adventures with you!
With all of these years spent together, we have traveled all over this Purdy world – but we are not done! We hope to provide you helpful travel tips and tricks, share our great (and not-so-great) trips, provide some humor, and inspire you to get out and explore this great, big Purdy world!