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The One Item You Need for Travel Freedom – The Passport

Hey beautiful beach lovers! It’s Megan & Sean from Traveling Our Purdy World and today we wanted to talk to you guys about the ONE item you need for travel freedom – the Passport!

The backstory is that Seans passport was expiring in January 2024, and we know that it takes a few months for a new one to get processed, so we sent his away mid-September 2023 with hopes of getting a new one rather quickly. Before you know it (end of October), a package came in the mail from the passport office and wala, Seans pretty face was on a new passport!!

With all this said, Sean thought this would be a great time to talk about what a passport is and how to get one. Plus, we thought this would be a great time to show you ALL THE AMAZING THINGS you can do when you have a passport!

Let the fun begin!!!!

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What is a passport?

Okay so first things first, some people may be wondering what is a passport. A passport is an official document that is issued from a country to one of its citizens that is needed for exit and reentry from the country. So that means if you want to leave the U.S to visit another country you will need this document.

Benefits of a passport

  • The major benefit is that it’s your ticket to travel anywhere in the world. (I know everyone saw the travel pics of their friends going to Greece this past summer and this allows you to do that)
  • It is also another form of Identification (ID for short) for you as well. (There may be times when you need to produce another form of ID and this can be counted as one)
  • It lasts for 10 years, which allows you to do quite a bit of traveling!

Do I need one for my vacation?

So, to me this is a weird question. If you want to cruise, then technically speaking you don’t need to have a passport but that will depend on the type of cruise you are doing. If you are booking a closed loop cruise, for example if you leave Miami and do the cruise and then come back to Miami then all you would need is a birth certificate, a photo ID, and the boarding pass.  A major reason to bring a passport on a cruise is in the event of a medical emergency. In the event of an emergency and you will not be traveling back home via the cruise ship, you need to have a passport to return to the United States.

Now let’s say you wanted to book an all-inclusive resort, like SANDALS, where you will be flying directly to the island, yes you definitely need a passport because you are entering a foreign country.

So it looks like I should get a passport… Where do I begin?

Okay this is where the fun begins! So, I will leave a link in the description for you guys to check out in your own time, but to make it simple, you can get your passports at any Post Office in the United States.

  1. If this is your first time ever getting a passport, you will need to have an official copy of your birth certificate. Please note, there are other documents you can use in lieu of your birth certificate but that is going to be the easiest one to use.
  2. You will also need to fill out a form, called the DS-11. Again, that link listed below will point you in the right direction for what you need.
  3. You are also going to need to get a photo taken of you for your passport. Some Post Offices will take your photo, and some will not. I have also seen that most drug stores like CVS can take your photo too. You will have to pay for the photo wherever you get it. If possible, I would choose to take the photo at the post office as you will need to go there anyways to mail out the documents.  Just make an appointment and you can knock out two birds with one stone 😉
  4. Write out a check for the processing and mail away your documents.
  5. Wait a few months and Wala, your world opens as you can now travel. Hallelujah!  

What about the kids?

Kids are going to need a passport regardless of age so if you are bringing the kids with you, make sure that they have a passport as well. The process is like getting an adult passport. Please note that a child’s passport only lasts 5 years vs the typical 10 years for adults.

You mentioned a cost, how much does a passport cost?

So, there are a few fees that you have to pay for:

  1. The passport book application fee ($130 adult / $100 child)
  2. The acceptance fee ($35 adult / $35 child)
  3. The passport photo (varies)
  4. The shipping of the documents to the Department of State (varies)

This seems easy… there must be more?!

WARNING: That’s really it! The One Item You Need For Travel Freedom – The Passport! Beware, once you have your passport, your travel options open and you will want to be in the Caribbean, Paris, Tokyo, Tahiti, Bora Bora, Jamacia…. The list goes on!

If you are ready to travel and don’t know where to start – contact us! We are certified travel agents who specialize in Caribbean all-inclusive resorts and cruises! We would LOVE to help you plan your special vacation!

Link for more info:

https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports.html: The One Item You Need for Travel Freedom – The Passport

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